接下来,我从2厘米厚的白蜡木板上裁下白蜡木条。木条的宽度略厚于芯坯的厚度 - 约0.010英寸(0.254mm)。
Sidewalls: ptex和白蜡木 #
Core blank with trenches ready for PTEX sidewalls and ash edge stringers. Note that this 200cm board required extra pieces of PTEX beyond our normal length at the ends of the effective edge. In this case, they are only filler, to ensure good clamping of the ash, and they’ll be machined away when we make room for nose and tail spacers.
Close up of the core blank, trench end, ash, and PTEX, all ready for glue up.
Core blank with trenches ready for PTEX sidewalls and ash edge stringers. Note that this 200cm board required extra pieces of PTEX beyond our normal length at the ends of the effective edge. In this case, they are only filler, to ensure good clamping of the ash, and they’ll be machined away when we make room for nose and tail spacers.
The blank, with ash and PTEX in place, back in the clamps for the night.
Raw PTEX sidewall material.