Raw Notes #
This is a temporary page containing raw, unedited notes on this subject. This page and the information here is incomplete, and may be inaccurate.
- Start with how I do wet layup for a snowboard.
- Make a full video of layup.
- Prep (see checklist), dry run, marking materials for fit, etc.
- Dry layup first!! Focus on alignment of all pieces, anything that interferes with your cassette system or vacuum hookups, etc.
- Spreaders
- Wetting glass
- Amount to use in different areas
- Wetting base and edge tines, rubber, placing rubber.
- Placing the first layer of glass, adding more in dry places, ensuring an even spread and not leaving large pools of epoxy between layers.
- Inserts and Kevlar, placing the core, maintaining core alignment.
- Placing auxiliary reinforcements.
- Placing the second layer of glass.
- Placing the topsheet.
- Closing the cassette and ensuring things stay in alignment during insertion.
- Cleanup.
Resources on wet layup in general: articles online, etc.