




带锯设置 #

Setting up the bandsaw fence using a good square is important to getting good slices. A quick test with a piece of scrap wood helps dial in the thickness. A feather board on the bandsaw helps keep the work tightly against the fence. Setting up the bandsaw to take slices off of a stack. Here you can see the infeed and outfeed roller arrangement. Setting up the bandsaw to take slices off of a stack. Here you can see the infeed and outfeed roller arrangement. Setting up the bandsaw to take slices off of a stack. Here you can see the infeed and outfeed roller arrangement.


第一次切片和芯坯清理 #

The first slice removed from the stack. The stack after the first slice is removed. It is marked with pencil, especially in places where there was a bit of a wobble during cutting, to help us see how much material needs to be removed. It will be minimal.


第二个切片和芯坯清理 #

The second slice removed from the stack. The stack after the second slice is removed. It is marked with pencil and already had one pass through the planer. You can see a bit of pencil left in the upper left of it, indicating a tiny bit more needs to come off.


第三和第四片,和所有四个在带锯上 #

The third slice removed from the stack, leaving the fourth. The stack completely sliced up, with the extra off to the right. This was an especially good production… usually I have nothing left over!


完成切片 #

现在切片需要清理它们的粗糙面。两个切片将成为一个空白板,因此每对切片需要具有相同的厚度。但是,这些对可以是不同的厚度,我建议一次做一对,以确保你获得每组的最大厚度。使用刨刀,通过较厚的切片#1或切片#2直到刨床刚刚开始撞击表面。现在,以小的增量向下调整刨床并一个接一个地通过每个切片,直到两个切片都是完美的。始终保持接合面的原始表面朝下,并在两个切片平整时立即停止。 我用一点胶带在刨床上标记了轮子,在我的刨床上,“小增量”大约是转弯的1/8。

清理一对切片 #

A pair of slices with one good side each facing down, and one side fresh from the bandsaw facing up. Marked with pencil to help see where more work is needed. A pair of slices. The one on the right has been passed thru the planer once. The one on the left is next, then we’ll adjust the planer in tiny increments until both are perfect. A pair of slices, with one passing thru the planer.

完整的切片有两个完全平坦且平行的面,一个边缘也是完全平坦的(它是芯坯的底部。)将其中一个切片翻转到书签上:中心条带来自同一个原始板,下一个出来 是来自同一个原始板,依此类推。这将产生木材的板芯,从边缘到边缘具有相当对称的特性。它不会是完美的,因为即使在一块板子里总会出现差异,但它实际上已经接近了!

切片完成和书页式拼板 #

A pair of slices complete. Both sides are perfectly smooth and parallel. A pair of slices complete, with one flipped over to show how they will be assembled into a core later. This is called “bookmatching” the slices. Imagine the pages of a book laid open; the wood in the center is from the same original board.



来自一个芯坯的所有切片完成 #

Four slices paired and labeled, indicating the date of production, the thickness of the blank, and a letter to ensure paired slices stay together. Four good slices all done and ready to be joined into final core blanks.

参阅 #

Last modified Wednesday April 10, 2019, at 02:49:58 UTC
Translated by X z on Wednesday April 10, 2019, at 02:49:58 UTC

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.