板底, 边刃, 板头和板尾垫片

板底, 边刃, 板头和板尾垫片


板底 #



板底采用1/4英寸,双刃直刀切割,我们仅保留切割板底和板头/板尾垫片材料。这使其保持锋利,从而在切割的板底上产生更好的光洁度。我使用两种板底之一:ISOSPORT 7500或ISOSPORT ISOHIGHSPEED 2112,两者都是黑色烧结PTEX。ISOHIGHSPEED是一个含有10%石墨的竞赛板底,经过多年的努力,我们一直在测试这两种材料。


边刃准备 #

边刃材料由钢制成。它的洛氏硬度为HRC 48,这是行业标准。我有一些预切割成84英寸(约213cm)长度的边刃材料。它在工厂进行喷砂处理以帮助粘接。对于长达185cm的板,这是一个很好的长度,具体取决于板的形状。对于比这更长的板,我从连续的原材料卷材切割边刃材料,这些材料是未加工的,未进行粘合处理。然后,我使用一个小型喷砂机对这些边刃进行喷砂处理,我可以在需要时在我们的商店中进行处理。



边刃喷砂 #

Blasted edges with marks to indicate further work. Blasted edges with marks to indicate further work. The blasting setup. A length of edge is fed through a small hole on either side of the cabinet. Note the roll of edge material in the lower right. Interior of the blast cabinet showing the supports used while blasting an edge. The edges are pretty flexible over any reasonable distance, so the supports are needed to keep the edge stable for a consistent surface finish. A comparison of a blasted edge (left) and a raw unblasted edge from our roll (right)

边刃弯曲和固定到板底 #

接下来,弯曲边刃以完美匹配板底的形状。我首先通过弯边机折弯边刃的末端,然后用手精练其余的弯曲。这个初始弯曲有很大帮助,我试图使它比实际需要的更紧,因为它似乎更容易放松回到正确的形状。任何超出板中心线的多余边刃都会被修剪掉并归档。一旦边刃完美贴合,我将其夹紧并用氰基丙烯酸酯胶(Super Glue)暂时固定到位。当板层压时,环氧树脂在边刃和板底以及层压板的其余部分之间提供最终粘合。

有时它会很快,但通常需要大约2个小时才能完全封边,包括胶水上的干燥时间。如果我需要一个特别紧的弯曲,或者做一个扭结或得到完美的结果我将使用[[Special:MyLanguage/Edge Benders|改装钳]]在我需要的地方施加力。




弯曲边刃 #

A length of edge fit to the base and held in place with a few clamps until the glue dries. Note that the glue has already been applied to the edges and base here. It only takes a small drop on each side of each clamp to hold the edge in place for the rest of the process, and the glue does not get in the way of the bond with the epoxy later. A length of edge fit to the base and held in place with a few clamps until the glue dries. Note that the glue has already been applied to the edges and base here. It only takes a small drop on each side of each clamp to hold the edge in place for the rest of the process, and the glue does not get in the way of the bond with the epoxy later. A length of edge fit to the base and held in place with a few clamps until the glue dries. Note that the glue has already been applied to the edges and base here. It only takes a small drop on each side of each clamp to hold the edge in place for the rest of the process, and the glue does not get in the way of the bond with the epoxy later.

板头和板尾垫片 #

我将PTEX用于板头和板尾垫片。沿着板头和板尾的板芯周边需要这种额外的材料。它具有与PTEX边墙类似的用途 - 它可以随着时间的推移保护板芯。这种材料在两面都是滚动,打磨和火焰,准备好粘接。我在CNC机器上将其切割成形状,使其与板芯完美匹配,并用一小块薄纸带暂时将其固定到位。我在PTEX的板头和板尾留出的空间比我们在边墙上的空间多一点,主要是因为那里的板子更薄,并且需要更多的空间。


垫片 #

Nose and tail spacers. Nose and tail spacers.

参阅 #

Last modified Tuesday April 16, 2019, at 08:46:51 UTC
Translated by X z on Tuesday April 16, 2019, at 08:46:51 UTC

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.